5 Dragon Online

Learn Gong Fu - Step by Step

Course Overview


Gong Fu Basics

In this course, we've designed a three-month Gong Fu basics program, preparing your body and mind for upcoming training. It includes exercises to strengthen your body, enhance relaxation, and rising body-mind awareness.

Qi Gong

The art of standing meditation serves as a bridge from seated meditation to moving meditation and even to meditation in everyday life.

5 Animals

This course introduces you to the 5 Animals basics. Learn steady, spiraling motion from the turtle. The crane imparts balance, grace, and opening-closing principles. Embrace the snake's whole-body movement. The dragon will bring confidence and space control. Unleash explosive power with the tiger.

Taiji Quan

Everything starts with a first step. In this course you will the first 6 basic taiji steps, fundamental understanding of energys and we introduce you to the first part of the 'Wudant 36 Taiji' Form.

Bagua Zhang

Bagua includes both walking and standing meditation – dynamic stepping work, rotating and spiraling movements that seamlessly flow into each other like a winding dragon that takes up the whole space.

Wudang Sword

Master the foundational movements of renowned Wudang swordsmanship. The double-edged sword, like the human mind, holds both destructive and healing potential. This course introduces essential standing sword techniques.

Xuan Wu Gun

Open up your body as you learn essential long pole techniques and handling skills. Step by step, you will learn to listen to its flow and begin to move freely with it.

Gong Fu Basics

Join us for another 3-month course, where we'll guide you weekly. Explore more basics with new and more complex exercises and familiar faces. Have fun!

Qi Gong

In this course we will learn the Hun Yuan Qi Gong System and dive deeper into the different universal Taiji energies.

5 Animals

Building on the foundational principles, this intermediate course dives deeper into the dynamic movements and techniques of the 5 Animals. Refine the turtle's spiraling motion. Master the crane's balance and fluid transitions. Develop the snake's flexibility to improve whole-body-movement. Enhance your confidence and awareness with the dragon's commanding presence.

Taiji Quan

In this course you will learn the more complex steps 7 - 12, based on the beginner level course. This steps will guide you to our first form 'Wudang 36 Taiji'.

Bagua Zhang

Learn the Xuan Shen Bagua Form, a unique and dynamic martial art style that draws inspiration from the mystic spirit (Xuan Shen) and incorporates the principles of the Bagua.

Tai Yi Zhang

Your first Tai Yi Form is waiting for you. Although this form is short, it is demanding and is considered an entry-level form because it incorporates elements from six different Wudang Pai styles.

Wudang Sword

Bring the fundamental sword basics you've learned in the previous course into movement. Learn the magical Wudang footwork and start moving like a dragon.

Xuan Wu Gun

Learn the 7 core long pole principles and immerse yourself in the graceful flow of fundamentals combined with footwork. You will also learn your first long pole form - a journey that leads to inner and outer harmony.

Gong Fu Basics

Basics now even more than ever!

Taiji Quan

With steps 13 to 18, you will learn how to generate relaxed and connected power throughout your body without losing the principles you have learned thus far. You will also learn your second form, Taiji Mian Zhang Cotton Palm.

Xuan Wu Gun

Learn the Xuan Wu Gun - Dark Warrior Form. The stick blows in the wind, so light, so delicate... but when it strikes, it is destructive, like the mountain-shifting, shattering waves of the ocean.

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